Informative and fun educational classes and presentations to teach children and adults alike about the importance and logistics of saving water.

Education has always been a hallmark of our company. Maybe it is our background in education, or because we have such passion what we do; or maybe it is because when we first started promoting water conservation, we had to educate every potential client about what conservation is and what it isn’t, as well as on why taking steps to save water today makes such a great decision for tomorrow. Much has changed in over ten years of educating the public about being smart with outdoor water use and delivering real results in water savings, but what hasn’t changed is our commitment to informative and fun educational classes and presentations to teach children and adults alike about the importance and logistics of saving water.

Need continuing education units, speakers for a symposium, or education for a group? Let Smart Outdoor Services Inc develop a custom class to meet the specific needs of your group. You will find that learning about water, its uses, and how to save it can be fun, dynamic, and will leave your group not only thinking about water use in a new way, but wanting to tell others about what you’ve learned. If we can manage that, we have done our jobs as water educators.

Ready to spring into action saving water as a company or organization? Smart Outdoor Services Inc can train site managers, property managers, and landscape maintenance personnel about what to look for in potential water issues, how to develop a water ethic for a company no matter your primary business, and proactive steps to take during development to be in a prime efficiency position once water bills start coming in.

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